Price increase coming January 31. Buy now and save
by Kristen Carney
Updated: December 17, 2024
The richest city in Wyoming is Lakeview North in Platte County with an average household income of $219,225 as of 2023. While exceptionally affluent, Lakeview North only has a population of 53 as of 2023. The richest city in Wyoming with at least 5,000 people is Jackson in Teton County with an average household income of $165,982 as of 2023 and 10,639 people as of 2023 according to the most current Census data available (citation).
Rank | City | County | Population | Average Income | Median Income |
1 | Lakeview North | Platte | 53 | $219,225 | $187,222 |
2 | Wilson | Teton | 1,255 | $208,404 | $102,055 |
3 | Teton Village | Teton | 999 | $208,155 | $99,315 |
4 | South Park | Teton | 2,021 | $199,403 | $111,250 |
5 | Hoback | Teton | 1,609 | $186,221 | $156,766 |
6 | Bessemer Bend | Natrona | 119 | $181,415 | $161,125 |
7 | Moose Wilson Road | Teton | 1,380 | $179,698 | $108,494 |
8 | Van Tassell | Niobrara | 22 | $167,942 | $208,333 |
9 | Jackson | Teton | 10,639 | $165,982 | $112,609 |
10 | Alpine Northeast | Lincoln | 343 | $158,384 | $154,181 |
11 | Alta | Teton | 656 | $150,964 | $166,667 |
12 | Bedford | Lincoln | 410 | $143,781 | $127,019 |
13 | Turnerville | Lincoln | 415 | $142,280 | $155,793 |
14 | Ranchettes | Laramie | 6,389 | $140,898 | $124,426 |
15 | Casper Mountain | Natrona | 628 | $140,851 | $104,265 |
16 | Rafter J Ranch | Teton | 1,202 | $139,612 | $151,429 |
17 | Smoot | Lincoln | 745 | $138,881 | -$1 |
18 | Chugcreek | Platte | 129 | $138,629 | $170,625 |
19 | Crowheart | Fremont | 135 | $138,516 | $127,500 |
20 | James Town | Sweetwater | 447 | $132,127 | $109,808 |
We usually suggest using median income data – either instead of or in addition to – average income data as a true indicator of wealth. If you haven’t thought about median versus average since your last standardized test, you aren’t alone. Here’s what they are:
Now let’s say you had the following simplified set of income data.
Household 1: $30,000
Household 2: $50,000
Household 3: $1,000,000
The average income for this set is $360,000. The outlier data point ($1,000,000) skews the average WAY up. Conversely, the average income would be skewed WAY down if someone had an income of $500. The median income for the same data set is $50,000. Outlier data doesn’t skew the median.
So most business owners should use the median income as a true indicator of wealth, because it provides a more accurate representation of a typical income, especially in areas with significant income disparity.
If your target market is high-income households, the average income may be more relevant. This is because the average income can highlight the presence of a higher concentration of wealthy individuals, which is beneficial for luxury goods and services marketing. We’re using average income on this page because using the Census’s highest reported median value of $250,001 could result in multiple ties for the richest geography.
The Census' American Community Survey uses $250,000+ as a jam value for median income estimates to protect privacy, ensure data consistency, and simplify reporting. A "jam value" in survey data refers to a placeholder or default value used when actual data points are unavailable, incomplete, or exceed certain thresholds. We represent this jam value as $250,001 to make it easy for you to sort.
Join thousands of subscribers and receive just 1 (ONE!) email a year in December when the US Census Bureau releases new income data for Wyoming richest cities.
United States Census Bureau. Annual Estimates of the Resident Population: April 1, 2020 to July 1, 2023. U.S. Census Bureau, Population Division. Web. May 2024.
United States Census Bureau. B01001 SEX BY AGE, 2023 American Community Survey 5-Year Estimates. U.S. Census Bureau, American Community Survey Office. Web. 12 December 2024.
United States Census Bureau. B19013 Median Household Income, 2023 American Community Survey 5-Year Estimates. U.S. Census Bureau, American Community Survey Office. Web. 12 December 2024.
United States Census Bureau. “DP03 SELECTED ECONOMIC CHARACTERISTICS.” 2023 American Community Survey 5-Year Estimates. U.S. Census Bureau, American Community Survey Office. Web. 12 December 2024.
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